Restored classics catalogue

1800 Chinese Films
40  Results
This Life of Mine
The protagonist once served as a police officer in the late Qing Dynasty, witnessing the corruption of the Qing soldiers. During the May Fourth Moveme...
Shen nü / The Goddess / 神女(2K)
As the lights flickered on, the prostitute ventured out into the streets to make a living. One night, the police came and she hid in a house, only to ...
Lao jing / Old Well / 老井(4K)
Old Well Village, nestled in the arid landscape of the Loess Plateau, was parched and waterless. The aging villagers yearned for a young savior to dig...
Daoma zei / The Horse Thief / 盗马贼 / 盜馬賊(4K)
Norbu was a shrewd and strong shepherd who was forced into a life of thievery by poverty. The tribe discriminated against him and expelled him. Norbu ...
Zhu fu / New Year Sacrifice / 祝福(2K)
Aunt Xianglin was a thirty-year-old widow. Her mother-in-law tried to sell her to Laoliu as his wife in the back mountain. She stubbornly ran away and...
Laogong zhi aiqing / Zhi guo yuan / Labourer’s Love / Romance of a Fruit Peddler / 劳工之爱情 / 勞工之愛情 / 掷果缘 / 擲果緣(2K)
Zheng, a carpenter-turned-fruit seller was doing well in business. Across the street, Doctor Zhu's medical practice was struggling, with only his daug...
Yongbu xiaoshi de dianbo / The Eternal Wave / 永不消逝的电波 / 永不消逝的電波(2K)
During the War of Resistance against Japanese Agression, Li Xia, a political commissar of the Communist underground radio station, and He Lanfen, a fe...
Fengyun ernv / A Poem of the Great Wall / Children of Troubled Times / 风云儿女 / 風雲兒女(2K)
After the "September 18th" Incident, poet Xin Baihua and university student Liang Zhifu fled to Shanghai. Mrs. Shi, a beautiful and wealthy woman, sho...
Shizi jietou / Crossroads / 十字街头 / 十字街頭(2K)
Zhao, Tang, Liu, and Xu were four college students who had lost their jobs. Liu had joined the war effort to protect his nation, while Xu had lost hop...
Hua Mulan / 花木兰 / 花木蘭(2K)
In the era of the Northern and Southern dynasties, the Turk attacked the borders of Northern Wei. Hua Mulan, the daughter of Hua Hu, concerned about h...
Luotuo xiangzi / The Rickshaw Boy / 骆驼祥子 / 駱駝祥子(4K/2K)
In the olden days of Beijing, Xiangzi worked tirelessly as a carriage driver, using his sheer strength to pull rickshaw and earn his living. His days ...
Yijiang chunshui xiangdong liu / A Spring River Flows East / 一江春水向东流 / 一江春水向東流(2K)
Deeply in love, Sufen and Zhang Zhongliang got married and had a son. When the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression began, Zhongliang joined ...
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Lao jing / Old Well / 老井(...

Daoma zei / The Horse Thief ...

Zhu fu / New Year Sacrifice ...

Shen nü / The Goddess / 神女...

Yongbu xiaoshi de dianbo / T...

Fengyun ernv / A Poem of the...

Shizi jietou / Crossroads / ...

Hua Mulan / 花木兰 / 花木蘭(...

Luotuo xiangzi / The Ricksha...

Yijiang chunshui xiangdong l...